Ayurveda Treatment for Avascular Necrosis (AVN)

Classical Panchakarma based solutions to alleviate key symptoms – pain, stiffness, numbness and address your root cause for reversal/ long lasting relief.

AyurVAID Hospitals is now a part of Apollo Hospitals Group.

Treat Avascular Necrosis (AVN) with Ayurveda

Avascular necrosis is defined as the death of bone tissue due to a shortage of blood supply. This condition is also referred to as osteonecrosis which can usher in minor breaks in the bone and cause collapse. Injury, medication, and alcoholism are regarded as some of the prominent risk factors that can induce this disorder in a person. Avascular necrosis is mainly classified into two, Traumatic and Non-traumatic. Traumatic avascular necrosis ensues after the bone breaks or dislocates a joint whereas Non-traumatic avascular necrosis happens when any illness or medical condition inhibits the blood flow to the bone tissues. This constraint often affects the same bone on both sides of the body.


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AyurVAID has pioneered evidence-based, award-winning precision Ayurveda-based protocols for Avascular necrosis treatment. Following the fundamental principles of Ayurveda, our physicians perform an in-depth assessment of the key symptoms and health factors of each patient to diagnose the root causes around your diet, individual constitution, lifestyle, work pattern, and genetic predisposition.

Based on the assessment, we arrive at the optimal Ayurveda Avascular necrosis treatment protocol for Samprapti Vikhatan or breaking the etiopathogenesis, considering the extent of disease progression, risk factors, your constitution (prakriti), and the disease prognosis. This approach bridges the gap between the patient’s individualistic factors and the standard treatment protocols thereby making the therapy effective and safe.


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AyurVAID is India’s 1st Ayurveda hospital to be accredited by NABH (National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers), Quality Council of India.

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Treatment options for Avascular Necrosis at AyurVAID

Asthiposhaka Rasayana, Abhyanga

Gata Vata denotes the motion of Vata. It is a pathological prerequisite of Vata where the dosha gets vitiated and ensconced in the tissues and visceral organs, causing consequent deteriorations to the tissues and organs, giving origin to many disease conditions.

Asthi majja gata Vata is the ayurvedic correlation of avascular necrosis. In this condition, the vitiated Vata gets seated in bones and bone marrow invoking symptoms like Asthi bheda (splitting of the bones), Parva bheda(pain in the interphalangeal joints), Mamsa and Bala kshaya(deterioration of muscles and body strength), and persistent sleeplessness and pain. Once diagnosed, this condition can be treated with Ayurvedic medicines and panchakarma treatment that can preclude further mineral loss and build the bones naturally. Asthiposhaka Rasayana, Abhyanga(massage with herbal oil), and Basti can be aided as a part of the therapy. Another important factor that can lead to this condition is aging.Using cow milk, cow ghee, honey, amala, etc can be included in the daily diet.


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What are the signs and symptoms of Avascular necrosis

The early stages of avascular necrosis emerge symptom-free. And eventually, the affected joint may hurt due to weight bearing or while lying down. Some of the common symptoms of avascular necrosis are:


Inflating pain in the stiff jointsng cycles, and heavy
Intermittent pain that appears on pressuring the boneest, or armpits abnormal bleeding.
Finite range of motionwanted hair in the body
Hardship in doing daily activities

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is avascular necrosis a serious condition?
Avascular necrosis (osteonecrosis) is a serious condition that results in the death of bone tissue due to a lack of blood supply. While anyone can be affected, it is more common among individuals with certain medical conditions or who have experienced trauma in the area.

Ayurveda case studies of our patients

We work towards whole person health through classical Ayurveda science. Our Ayurveda case studies are the first-line evidence in Ayurvedic medical literature as they present the original observations from our Ayurveda practitioners. The case studies are published taking patient’s consent and maintaining patient anonymity.