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Can Ayurveda cure piles?

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How to Cure Piles Through Ayurveda?

Piles, also known as haemorrhoids, can be an uncomfortable and painful condition that affects many people. While surgery may be required in severe cases, there are natural treatments available that can help alleviate symptoms and even cure piles altogether. 

Hemorrhoids Relief Through Lifestyle Changes

One of the most helpful ways to relieve piles is by making simple diet and lifestyle changes. This includes increasing your dietary fibre intake by eating more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Drinking plenty of fluids, exercising regularly, and avoiding the use of mobile phones (which leads to prolonged duration of straining) in the toilet can also help alleviate symptoms. Other lifestyle modifications such as improving anal hygiene, taking sitz baths, methods to relieve constipation, and avoiding straining are used in primary care and may help in the treatment and prevention of haemorrhoids up to an extent, although the evidence for this is lacking.

Management of Piles in Ayurveda

For treatment purposes, Ayurveda broadly classifies piles into 2 types – the bleeding variety and the non-bleeding variety. The treatment protocol varies with the type of piles/ haemorrhoids that the patient presents with. 

Treatment for the non-bleeding type of haemorrhoid – It consists of various local treatments and oral medications. The local treatment procedures include Abhyanga (application of medicated oil processed with drugs having the property to alleviate inflammation and pain), Swedana (fomentation with warm medicated bolus wrapped in special cloth, dipped in medicated oils), Seka (pouring of medicated decoctions over the site), Avagaha (immersing the anal region in a decoction of medicinal herbs), Dhoopana (fumigation with potent herbs and ghee) and Pralepana (application of medicated pastes). All these treatment modalities are aimed at reducing inflammation, relieving discomfort, itching sensation, and relieving pain related to haemorrhoids. 

In case of bleeding variety of haemorrhoids, the treatment mainly focuses on reducing inflammation by different blood-letting therapies like leech therapy, etc.

Piles Cure with Ayurveda

Ayurveda, a traditional Indian system of medicine, offers a holistic approach to treating piles. Ayurvedic treatments for piles focus on not only reducing inflammation but also on improving the core metabolism of the individual. This can be achieved through oral administration of medicines that help to improve absorption, regulate bowel movements, and reduce constipation. With the background of both constipation and chronic loose motions as triggering factors for haemorrhoids, Ayurveda emphasizes on different treatment modalities for these risk factors separately. 

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Surgical Approach to Piles in Ayurveda

Kshara Karma is a parasurgical treatment procedure that is gaining wide popularity because of its efficacy in the management of various anorectal disorders. Kshara is a caustic chemical, alkaline in nature, derived from plant ashes with different medicinal values. Kshara acts by chemical burn and necrosis of tissues and obliteration of haemorrhoidal radicles. It aids in the sloughing of haemorrhoidal mass and causes fibrosis followed by scar formation. Added to this, it also heals the area sooner because Kshara possesses wound healing properties. No severe adverse effects are reported after the application of Kshara. There is no anal structure in this therapy. The average recovery time is 14 days.

While piles can be a painful and uncomfortable condition, there are many natural treatments available that can help alleviate symptoms and even cure piles altogether. By making simple lifestyle changes, using dietary fibres and fluids, or seeking Ayurvedic treatment, you can find relief from the discomfort and pain caused by piles. At AyurVAID Hospitals, we offer customized Ayurvedic treatment plans that are tailored to your individual needs and provide a holistic approach to treating piles. If you’re seeking a natural cure for piles, contact us today to learn more about how Ayurveda can help.

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