A bunch of diseases-Hypothyroid-Diabetes Mellitus-Knee pain-Skin lesions
Presenting Complaints with severity and episode duration
Our Ayurveda case studies are the first-line evidence in Ayurvedic medical literature as they present the original observations from our Ayurveda practitioners.
Presenting Complaints with severity and episode duration
Presenting Complaints with severity and episode duration K/C/O DM
Mr SB male/26-year-old, from Guwahati, Assam approached AyurVAID Hospitals
Patient was suffering from severe pain in low back since 2006 and had undergone
Outcome Wound –Atherosclerosis-after amputation Conclusion Patient’s Stories View all
Patient aged 15 years, came to AyurVAID Hospitals, Ramamurthy Nagar with the
A 24 year old female patient walked into AyurVAID with the complaints of blackish
A 26-year-old female patient walked into AyurVAID with the complaints of inter