Bashpa sweda

The therapeutic power of medicated steam to induce perspiration
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Bashpa sweda

Image of Bhaspa Swedha

Bashpa Sweda, a traditional Ayurveda therapy, harnesses the therapeutic power of medicated steam to induce perspiration, thereby facilitating detoxification and rejuvenation. The term “Bashpa” refers to steam, while “Sweda” signifies perspiration, combining to describe the process of generating perspiration through the application of medicated steam.

Bashpa Sweda therapy starts with a 30-45 minute oil massage, preparing the body for treatment. Then, the Bashpa Sweda Yantra, a steam-bath chamber infused with medicinal herbs, generates therapeutic steam to induce perspiration and address stagnant Doshas. This process facilitates detoxification and prepares the body for Panchakarma procedures. The session lasts 15-20 minutes, and the frequency varies based on the patient’s specific regimen. Bashpa Sweda finds application in various health conditions, including neuromuscular disorders like sciatica, and rheumatoid disorders characterized by arthritis, stiffness, and pain, as well as for general rejuvenation purposes.

Bashpa Sweda Therapeutic Uses

  • Musculoskeletal Disorders: Arthritis, Lumbar Spondylitis, Cervical Spondylitis.
  • Mental Health: Stress-related disorders, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, insomnia and sleep disorders.
  • Digestive Disorders: Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Indigestion.
  • Metabolic Conditions: Obesity, PCOS, High Cholesterol 
  • Women’s Health: Menstrual Disorders, Hormonal Imbalance

Benefits of Bashpa sweda

  • Relieves fatigue and exhaustion.
  • Promotes detoxification 
  • Enhances muscle tone and builds immunity.
  • Improves Metabolism and Digestive Fire
  • Reduces muscle stiffness and increases blood circulation.
  • Reduces stress and promotes anti-aging benefits.
  • Lubricates joints and promotes better sleep.
  • Strengthens sensory and motor functions.
  • Enhances circulation and lymphatic drainage


While Bashpa Sweda is recommended for all ages and conditions, certain contraindications must be considered:

  • Pregnancy (especially during the first trimester)
  • Fever or acute infections
  • Severe cardiovascular conditions (e.g., uncontrolled hypertension, heart failure)
  • Severe respiratory conditions (e.g., acute asthma, COPD)
  • Open wounds or skin infections
  • Debilitation or extreme weakness
  • Recent surgery
  • Advanced age, especially with underlying health conditions
  • Dehydration or susceptibility to dehydration
  • Medication interactions

Apollo AyurVAID’s Approach 

Apollo AyurVAID focuses on precision classical Ayurveda treatment protocols, following the fundamental principles of Ayurveda in addressing the root cause of diseases. At Apollo AyurVAID, Swedana or Bashpa Sweda is used as a therapy for various disorders including musculoskeletal conditions such as Arthritis, Lumbar Spondylitis, Cervical Spondylitis, Sports Injuries, and other muscles, joint, and nerve-related disorders. It is a primary procedure for Purvakarma included in Panchakarma treatment programs. Our expert Ayurveda doctors and skilled Panchakarma therapists are trained to treat any Vata disorder that requires Swedana therapy. Patient centricity is the core of our treatment approach.

Why Choose Apollo AyurVAID Hospitals?

Bashpa sweda Treatment Cost

The cost of Bashpa Sweda treatment at Apollo AyurVAID varies depending on several factors, including the city, the patient’s specific condition, and the duration of treatment. As a result, pricing is tailored to individual needs and requirements. Typically, the cost of Bashpa Sweda treatment ranges from INR Rs. 400 to Rs. 1,000 per day. Actual costs may vary based on the treatment duration, whether it’s outpatient or inpatient, and the specific medications prescribed.

Note: *It’s important to note that this cost does not cover doctor consultations or any medication.*

City Price Range
Bashpa sweda Cost in Bangalore

 ₹600 - ₹1000

Bashpa sweda Cost in Delhi 

 ₹600 - ₹1000

Bashpa sweda Cost in  Gurugram 

 ₹600 - ₹1000

Bashpa sweda Cost in Chennai 

 ₹600 - ₹1000

Bashpa sweda Cost in Kalmatia 

 ₹600 - ₹1000

Bashpa sweda Cost in Kochi 

 ₹400 - ₹600

FAQ on Bashpa sweda Treatment

Is Bashpa Sweda suitable for everyone?
While Bashpa Sweda offers numerous benefits, it may not be suitable for everyone. Individuals with certain medical conditions such as pregnancy, fever, severe cardiovascular or respiratory conditions, or recent surgeries should consult a healthcare professional before undergoing the therapy.
Any side effects of Bashpa Swedana?
When administered correctly by trained professionals, Bashpa Sweda is considered safe and generally well-tolerated. However, some individuals may experience temporary symptoms such as dizziness, fatigue, or mild skin irritation. These usually subside quickly after the session.
What should I wear during a Bashpa Sweda session?
It's advisable to wear minimal clothing or a towel during the session to allow the medicated steam to penetrate the skin effectively. Modesty drapes may also be provided for comfort and privacy.
Can Bashpa Sweda be beneficial for musculoskeletal issues?
Yes, Swedana is known for its positive impact on musculoskeletal health. It helps alleviate muscle stiffness and joint discomfort and is often recommended for conditions like arthritis, back pain, and spasms. Abhyangam followed by Swedana is beneficial for addressing postural issues and relieving back pain, contributing to improved muscle flexibility and joint health.
Is Bashpa Sweda offered as part of clinical treatment plans at Apollo AyurVAID Hospitals?
Yes, Bashpa Sweda or Swedana is often integrated into clinical treatment plans for various health conditions. Our Ayurvedic practitioners customize each session to complement and enhance the overall treatment approach.
How does Bashpa Sweda contribute to detoxification?
Bashpa Sweda aids detoxification by promoting lymphatic drainage and improving blood circulation, facilitating the elimination of toxins from the body.
Are there any specific dietary restrictions before or after a Swedana session?
It's generally recommended to avoid heavy meals immediately before or after a Bashpa Sweda session to prevent discomfort. It's advisable to eat a light meal at least one to two hours before the therapy to promote optimal digestion and assimilation of nutrients.

Other Precision Treatments

* Outcomes may vary from person to person

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