Mukha Lepa

Mukha lepa aims to restore equilibrium, vitality, and radiance to the individual’s skin, the largest organ of the body.
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Mukha Lepa

Mukha lepa is a traditional Ayurvedic skincare practice involving a facial mask made from botanicals, minerals, and other natural substances. Mukha lepa aims to restore equilibrium, vitality, and radiance to the individual’s skin, the largest organ of the body. It uses ingredients personalized to specific constitutional types and imbalances to purify, nourish, and rejuvenate the skin, enhancing physical beauty and overall well-being.

The Mukha lepa procedure involves blending natural ingredients into a paste, applying it evenly to the face and neck, and allowing it to rest for 15-20 minutes for absorption. Finally, the mask is rinsed off with lukewarm water, followed by gentle drying and moisturizing if needed. Mukha Lepa is also therapeutic for a range of dermatological concerns, including acne, eczema, hyperpigmentation, aging symptoms, and environmental damage. It promotes the elimination of toxins, enhances cellular regeneration, and imbues the skin with vital nutrients, embodying preventive medicine and fortifying the body’s innate capacity for self-healing and resilience. In clinical settings, Mukha lepa is a safe, natural, and time-honored adjunct to conventional skincare therapies. Under the guidance of qualified Ayurvedic doctors, individuals can harness the transformative power of this ancient practice to cultivate vibrant, luminous skin and a deeper sense of harmony and well-being. At Apollo AyurVAID, our trained Ayurvedic doctors and therapists ensure this traditional practice’s safe and effective application.

Therapeutic Uses of Mukha Lepa

  • Acne vulgaris
  • Atopic dermatitis
  • Psoriasis
  • Rosacea
  • Hyperpigmentation disorders (such as melasma)
  • Premature aging (fine lines, wrinkles)
  • Sun damage
  • Skin sensitivity and inflammation
  • Dry skin conditions
  • Oily or combination skin types
  • Uneven skin tone and texture
  • Environmental damage (pollution, UV exposure)
  • Stress-related skin issues (eczema flare-ups, breakouts)
  • Dermatitis (contact dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis)
  • Skin infections (fungal, bacterial)
  • Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation
  • Scarring (acne scars, post-surgical scars)
  • Dull and lackluster complexion

Benefits of Mukha Lepa

  • Purifies and detoxifies the skin.
  • Nourishes and moisturizes, promoting suppleness.
  • Rejuvenates skin cells for a youthful appearance.
  • Helps manage various skin conditions like acne and pigmentation.
  • Enhances overall skin health and vitality.


Mukha Lepa  is contra-indicated in:

  • Allergic reactions.
  • Open wounds or active infections.
  • Severe sunburn or acute skin irritations.
  • Severe eczema or psoriasis.
  • Recent facial surgeries.
  • Extremely sensitive skin.

Apollo AyurVAID’s Approach 

Apollo AyurVAID focuses on precision classical Ayurveda treatment protocols, following the fundamental principles of Ayurveda in addressing the root cause of diseases. At Apollo AyurVAID, Mukha Lepa is used in the treatment of various acute and chronic skin conditions. It is not only a therapeutic treatment but also a rejuvenating therapy for environmental damage such as pollution and sun exposure. Our expert Ayurveda doctors and skilled Panchakarma therapists are trained to treat any disorder that requires Mukha Lepa therapy. Patient centricity is the core of our treatment approach.

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Mukha Lepa Treatment Cost

The cost of the Mukha Lepa Treatment Program at Apollo AyurVAID varies depending on several factors, including the city, the patient’s specific condition, and the type and duration of treatment. As a result, pricing is tailored to individual needs and requirements. Typically, Mukha Lepa treatment costs INR Rs. 1,200 to 1,750 per day. The cost comprises localised pre-therapy cleansing, and Mukha Lepa treatment, followed by Pashchat Karma. Actual costs may vary based on the treatment duration, type of Mukha Lepa, whether it’s outpatient or inpatient, and the specific medications prescribed.

Note: *It’s important to note that this cost does not cover doctor consultations or any medication.*

City Price Range
Mukha Lepa Cost in Bangalore

 ₹1200 - ₹1600

Mukha Lepa Cost in Delhi 

 ₹1550 - ₹1750

Mukha Lepa Cost in  Gurugram 

 ₹1550 - ₹1750

Mukha Lepa Cost in Chennai 

 ₹1200 - ₹1600

Mukha Lepa Cost in Kalmatia 

 ₹1200 - ₹1600

Mukha Lepa Cost in Kochi 

 ₹1300 - ₹1500

FAQ on Mukha Lepa Treatment

Is Mukha Lepa suitable for all skin types?
Yes, Mukha Lepa can be customized to suit various skin types, including oily, dry, combination, and sensitive skin. However, individuals with specific skin concerns or conditions shall get recommendations only after consulting with an Ayurvedic doctor.
How often should I perform Mukha Lepa?
The frequency of Mukha Lepa depends on individual skin needs and tolerance. Generally, it can be done 1-2 times per week for maintenance or as advised by an Ayurvedic practitioner. Those with sensitive skin may opt for less frequent application.
Can Mukha Lepa be used alongside other skincare treatments?
Yes, Mukha Lepa can complement other skincare treatments. However, it's essential to avoid over-exfoliating or using harsh products concurrently, as this may cause irritation or sensitivity.
Can I apply makeup immediately after Mukha Lepa?
It's advisable not to apply any makeup during or after Mukha Lepa treatment, and if you must, then wait for a day after the treatment before applying makeup to allow the skin to fully absorb the nutrients and moisture from the treatment. Additionally, opt for non-comedogenic makeup products to prevent clogging pores.
Are there any specific aftercare tips for Mukha Lepa?
Yes, following post-treatment care instructions provided by your Ayurvedic doctor is crucial. Aftercare for Mukha Lepa involves protecting the skin from excessive sun exposure, staying hydrated, and maintaining a healthy skincare routine. Additionally, avoid using harsh skincare products or treatments immediately after Mukha Lepa to prevent irritation. This is called Pashcat Karma which includes certain dietary recommendations, lifestyle adjustments, and any follow-up appointments to ensure the best outcomes.

Other Precision Treatments

* Outcomes may vary from person to person

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