
Herbal oil retention therapy on the head
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Shirovasti is a specialized Ayurvedic therapy aimed at treating various head-related ailments, particularly those affecting the cranial nerves, scalp, and brain.

It is a subtype of Murdha taila, which involves keeping the medicated oil on the head region.

The procedure involves creating a reservoir-like structure made of dough on the patient’s head, leaving an opening at the crown. Warm, medicated oil is then poured into this reservoir and allowed to remain there for a specific duration, usually around 30 to 45 minutes.  The treatment duration can vary depending on individual needs and the specific protocol the Ayurvedic doctor recommends. During this time, the oil penetrates deeply into the scalp and head region, nourishing the tissues, calming the nerves, and promoting overall relaxation.

This therapy is highly beneficial for conditions like headaches, migraines, insomnia, stress-related disorders, neurological conditions, and hair-related issues. The warmth and medicinal properties of the oil help to pacify Vata dosha, which governs the nervous system, thereby reducing pain, improving circulation, enhancing cognitive functions, and promoting better sleep. Shirovasti not only provides immediate relief but also offers long-term benefits by rejuvenating the head and promoting overall well-being. At Apollo AyurVAID, our trained Ayurvedic doctors and therapists ensure this traditional practice’s safe and effective application. 

Therapeutic Uses of Shirovasti

  • Headaches and migraines
  • Insomnia and sleep disorders
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Neurological disorders (e.g., paralysis, Bell’s palsy)
  • Scalp conditions (e.g., dandruff, dry scalp)
  • Hair loss and premature graying
  • Cognitive impairment and memory problems
  • Tension-related disorders
  • Eye conditions (e.g., dry eyes, strain)
  • Chronic sinusitis and nasal congestion

Benefits of Shirovasti

  • Relieves headaches and migraines
  • Alleviates stress and anxiety
  • Improves sleep quality
  • Enhances cognitive functions
  • Nourishes the scalp and hair follicles
  • Soothes neurological disorders
  • Promotes relaxation and rejuvenation
  • Boosts circulation to the head region
  • Balances Vata dosha in the body
  • Provides long-term relief for chronic head-related ailments


Shirovasti is contra-indicated in:

  • Severe fever or acute head infections
  • Open wounds or lesions on the scalp
  • Uncontrolled high blood pressure
  • Pregnancy
  • Recent head trauma or surgery
  • Allergy to ingredients in oils
  • Severe mental health disorders
  • Recent alcohol consumption or heavy meals

Apollo AyurVAID’s Approach 

Apollo AyurVAID focuses on precision classical Ayurveda treatment protocols, following the fundamental principles of Ayurveda in addressing the root cause of diseases. At Apollo AyurVAID, Shirovasti is used in the treatment of various neurological and psychological conditions. It is not only a treatment but also a rejuvenating therapy for environmental factors such as stress, poor sleep, and exertion. Our expert Ayurveda doctors and skilled Panchakarma therapists are trained to treat any disorder that requires Shirovasti therapy. Patient centricity is the core of our treatment approach.

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Shirovasti Treatment Cost

The cost of the Shirovasti Treatment Program at Apollo AyurVAID varies depending on several factors, including the city, the patient’s specific condition, and the type and duration of treatment. As a result, pricing is tailored to individual needs and requirements. Typically, Shirovasti treatment costs INR Rs. 1,750 to 3,700 per day. The cost comprises Shirovasti treatment, followed by Pashchat Karma. Actual costs may vary based on the treatment duration, type of Shirovasti oils, whether it’s outpatient or inpatient, and the specific medications prescribed.

City Price Range
Shirovasti Cost in Bangalore

 ₹2450 - ₹2850

Shirovasti Cost in Delhi 

 ₹3100 - ₹3700

Shirovasti Cost in  Gurugram 

 ₹3100 - ₹3700

Shirovasti Cost in Chennai 

 ₹2450 - ₹2850

Shirovasti Cost in Kalmatia 

 ₹2450 - ₹2850

Shirovasti Cost in Kochi 

 ₹1750 - ₹2000

FAQ on Shirovasti Treatment

What is the difference between Shirovasti and Shirodhara?
While both therapies involve the application of warm oil on the head, Shirovasti specifically entails retaining the oil in a reservoir-like structure on the head, whereas Shirodhara involves a continuous stream of oil poured over the forehead in a rhythmic manner. Shirovasti targets specific head-related ailments, while Shirodhara is more focused on mental relaxation and balancing doshas.
How does Shirovasti work?
TShirovasti is an Ayurvedic therapy involving the retention of warm, medicated oil on the head for a specific duration to address various head-related ailments. The warm oil penetrates deeply into the scalp and head region, nourishing tissues, calming nerves, and promoting relaxation. It helps balance Vata dosha, the energy that governs the nervous system.
What conditions can Shirovasti help with?
Shirovasti is beneficial for headaches, migraines, insomnia, stress, neurological disorders, scalp conditions, hair loss, and cognitive impairment, among others.
How often should one undergo Shirovasti?
The frequency of Shirovasti sessions varies based on individual needs and the severity of the condition being treated. Typically, it's recommended to undergo a series of sessions for optimal results, followed by periodic maintenance sessions as needed.
What should I do for aftercare following a Shirovasti session?
After a Shirovasti session, it's essential to allow the oil to remain on the head for a few hours before washing it off. This allows the medicinal properties of the oil to continue benefiting the scalp and head region. It's advisable to avoid exposure to cold drafts or wind immediately after the session, as the head may be sensitive. Additionally, maintaining a calm and relaxed environment post-treatment can enhance the therapeutic effects. Hydrating well and consuming light, nourishing meals can also support the body's healing process.

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* Outcomes may vary from person to person

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