
Medicated enemas of decoctions or oils.
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Snehapana is a crucial preparatory procedure in Ayurveda, which involves administering medicated ghee or oils to facilitate internal lubrication, a crucial component of Panchakarma, an Ayurvedic detoxification and rejuvenation therapy.

 The choice of oil or ghee depends on an individual’s constitution, health condition, and Panchakarma protocol requirements. The primary goal of Snehapana is to soften and liquefy accumulated toxins (Ama) within the body, allowing them to be easily eliminated during subsequent Panchakarma procedures. This process also pacifies Vata dosha, reduces tissue friction, and promotes proper digestive system functioning and elimination. The appropriate dosage, duration, and type of oil or ghee are carefully determined to optimize the benefits of this vital preparatory phase in the Panchakarma process. Based on the doctor’s advice, Snehapana typically lasts three to seven days, with longer durations. It involves gradually increasing the dosage of medicated oils or ghee to facilitate effective lipid absorption and distribution. 

Therapeutic Uses

  • Detoxification: Enhancing the effectiveness of subsequent detoxification therapies like Virechana and Vamana.
  • Mental Health: Stress-related disorders, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Anxiety, insomnia, tremors.
  • Digestive Disorders:  Constipation, IBS, gastritis, colitis.
  • Metabolic Conditions: Obesity, PCOS, High Cholesterol 
  • Women’s Health: Menstrual Disorders, Hormonal Imbalance
  • General Health: Promotes vitality, and enhances well-being.


While Snehapana is recommended for all ages and conditions, certain contraindications must be considered:

  • Acute illnesses, fever, infections.
  • Weak digestive fire (Mandagni).
  • Congestion or obstruction.
  • Pregnancy and lactation (unless supervised).
  • Conditions like acute pancreatitis, and liver disorders.

Apollo AyurVAID’s Approach 

Apollo AyurVAID focuses on precision classical Ayurveda treatment protocols, following the fundamental principles of Ayurveda in addressing the root cause of diseases. At Apollo AyurVAID, Snehapana is used as a preparatory therapy or as individual treatment. It is a primary procedure for Purvakarma included in Panchakarma treatment programs. The duration depends on an individual’s digestive strength, Ama accumulation severity, and therapeutic goals. Longer durations may be recommended for individuals with significant Ama buildup or chronic health conditions requiring deeper detoxification. Our expert Ayurveda doctors and skilled Panchakarma therapists are trained to treat any disorder that requires Snehapana therapy. Patient centricity is the core of our treatment approach. 

Snehapana Treatment Cost

The cost of Snehapana treatment at Apollo AyurVAID varies depending on several factors, including the city, the patient’s specific condition, and the duration of treatment. As a result, pricing is tailored to individual needs and requirements. Typically, the cost of Snehapana treatment ranges from INR Rs. XXXXX per day. Actual costs may vary based on the treatment duration, whether outpatient or inpatient, and the prescribed medications.

Note: *It’s important to note that this cost does not cover doctor consultations or any medication.*

Benefits of Snehapana

  • Facilitates toxin elimination in subsequent Panchakarma procedures.
  • Lubricates internal channels for smoother expulsion of impurities.
  • Relieves constipation and enhances digestion.
  • Soothes joints and muscles, improving flexibility.
  • Enhances skin health and mental clarity.
  • Aids weight loss and detoxification.
  • Alleviates symptoms of anxiety and insomnia.
  • Boosts energy and supports hormonal balance.
  • Helps manage inflammatory conditions.

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Vasti Treatment Cost

The cost of Vasti in India varies based on factors such as the city, the patient’s condition, and the treatment duration, among others. Consequently, the cost is determined based on individual needs and requirements. Vasti treatment cost may range from INR Rs. 850 to Rs. 2,700 per day.

Note: *It’s important to note that this cost does not cover doctor consultations or any medication.*

City Price Range
Vasti Cost in Bangalore

 ₹1800 - ₹2200

Vasti Cost in Delhi 

 ₹2300 - ₹2700

Vasti Cost in  Gurugram 

 ₹2300 - ₹2700

Vasti Cost in Chennai 

 ₹1800 - ₹2200

Vasti Cost in Kalmatia 

 ₹1800 - ₹2200

Vasti Cost in Kochi 

 ₹850 - ₹1100

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Snehapana contribute to the Panchakarma process?
Snehapana plays a pivotal role in priming the body for effective toxin elimination during Panchakarma. By softening toxins, lubricating internal channels, and optimizing digestive function, enhances the efficacy of subsequent therapies like Virechana and Vamana.
Who is eligible for Snehapana as part of Panchakarma?
Eligibility for Snehapana within Panchakarma is contingent upon individual health status, digestive capacity or Agni, and absence of contraindications such as acute illnesses, pregnancy, or infections. A thorough assessment by an Ayurvedic doctor determines suitability.
How long does Snehapana last during Panchakarma?
The duration of Snehapana during Panchakarma is customized to align with individual requirements and prescribed treatment protocols. Typically spanning 3 to 7 days, its duration is determined by the treating doctor based on therapeutic goals and response to treatment.
Are there any side effects or risks associated with Snehapana in Panchakarma?
Snehapana may elicit mild adverse effects like transient nausea or gastrointestinal discomfort, especially in individuals with compromised digestive capacity. These symptoms are temporary and subside automatically as the Ghee digests. Sipping on warm water mitigates these symptoms immediately.
What dietary guidelines should be followed during Snehapana?
During Snehapana, a light, easily digestible diet is recommended only when the amount of Ghee is fully digested. Once the feeling of true hunger is observed, warm, cooked foods like soups, stews, steamed vegetables, and grains, are allowed. Avoiding heavy, oily, or fried foods is the utmost priority. Consultation with an Ayurvedic doctor is essential for personalized dietary recommendations and the specific Snehapana protocol.

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* Outcomes may vary from person to person

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