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Ankylosing Spondylitis Ayurvedic Treatment

Ankylosing spondylitis seldom known as Bechterew disease or Marie Strumpell disease is a seronegative spondyloarthropathy that impacts the fusion of the spine and sacroiliac joints. This fusion of the spine and sacroiliac joints is known as Ankylosis. This constraint usually manifests in young adults and the axial skeleton is prominently contrived. The peripheral joints are also involved in certain cases. People with ankylosing spondylitis have higher chances of acquiring a spinal fracture, diffuse paraspinal ossification, and inflammatory osteitis and it is normally found in thoracolumbar and cervicothoracic junctions as well. There is no specific cause rather than genetic factors. In particular, people who have HLA B27 positive are prone to forge this condition. Compression fractures, heart problems, and Eye inflammation(uveitis) are the major complications that can occur due to this condition. Apollo AyurVAID has pioneered evidence-based, award-winning precision Ayurveda-based protocols for ankylosing spondylitis treatment in ayurveda.

Signs and Symptoms of Ankylosing spondylitis

The signs and symptoms of this condition emerge in early adulthood with inflammation as the primordial symptom in other parts of the body, especially the eyes. The hip joint, shoulder joints, the cartilage between the breastbone, ribs, and vertebrae in the lower back, and the joint between the base of the spine and the pelvis are the most typically affected areas in this disorder. Some signs of this ailment comprise:

  • Poor chest expansion
  • Stiffness
  • Exaggerated dorsal kyphosis
  • HLA-B 27 Positive

Ayurveda Treatment for Ankylosing spondylitis

The vitiated Vata and Kapha dosha in the body cause Danda Apatanaka. Here the aggravated Vata dosha and Kapha dosha enters into the dhamani and causes stiffness of the body inducing complications in the spinal and sacroiliac joint region. The purvarupa (prodromal symptom) or rupa(symptom) of this condition are the facets that can vitiate the Vata and Kapha dosha. Hence, nidana parivarjana i.e deterring the causative factors can be done primarily to improve the condition. Sadyovirechana, Sarvanga abhyanga, greeva basti, yapana basti, etc are some of the therapies that can be provided, and internal medicines like dhanwantaram gulika, shaddharana yoga, and anuloma can be administered.

AyurVAID Approach

Apollo AyurVAID has pioneered evidence-based, award-winning Ayurveda-based protocols for ankylosing spondylitis treatment ayurveda. Following the fundamental principles of Ayurveda, our physicians perform an in-depth assessment of the key symptoms and health factors of each patient to diagnose the root causes around your diet, individual constitution, lifestyle, work pattern, and genetic predisposition.

Based on the assessment, we arrive at the optimal ankylosing spondylitis treatment ayurveda protocol for Samprapti Vikhatan or breaking the etiopathogenesis, considering the extent of disease progression, risk factors, your constitution (prakriti), and the disease prognosis. This approach bridges the gap between the patient’s individualistic factors and the standard treatment protocols thereby making the therapy effective and safe.

Our whole person-centric approach will help you regain your happiest and healthiest state of life. Our rehabilitation specialists will also give you advice on ergonomics, nutrition, and lifestyle changes to help you better manage Ankylosing spondylitis.

Patient centricity is at the core of the Apollo AyurVAID approach, and we have been widely recognized for our breakthrough approach. Some of them include :

  • The first NABH-accredited hospital in India
  • Quality council of India.
  • Winner of the prestigious National Award for Best Ayurveda Centre of the year 2017 from the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India.
  • Industry’s best customer satisfaction score of 92%, rated by our patients.

Key Outcome

According to the severity of the condition, Ankylosing spondylitis treatment ayurveda can highly reduce its debilitating effects and helps to prevent further progression. Ayurveda Ankylosing spondylitis treatment helps to reverse the process, leading to a state of remission and permanent Thus Ayurveda can offer a centum cure.

After Undergoing the treatment for ankylosing spondylitis you are expected to be relieved from :

  • HLA B27 Negative
  • Better health & immunity
  • Relief from stiffness
  • Reduced inflammation

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the 4 body areas affected by ankylosing spondylitis?
It can affect peripheral joints (the hands, knees, elbows, shoulders, and feet) as well as the spine.

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