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Peripheral Neuropathy

The nervous system is an integral part of the human body. It helps the body communicate with the exterior by regulating sensory input, motor output, and coordination of bodily activities. Nerves are wrapped bundles of fibers that conduct electrical impulses and are dispersed all over the body. The nervous system can be broadly divided into two-the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). CNS constitutes the brain and the spinal cord while PNS implies the nerves branched out from these structures. The PNS is responsible for carrying signals from the brain and spinal cord and vice versa. It acts as a moderator between the brain, spinal cord, and the body. The damage to peripheral nerves is called peripheral neuropathy, and the onset can be acute or chronic. Various external factors can impair the structure and function of peripheral nerves. Injury by trauma, infections, toxins, faulty metabolism, and some genetic disorders are a few examples. If only one nerve is affected, we call it mononeuropathy while multiple nerve involvement is termed polyneuropathy. The effects of mononeuropathy are localized. It may arise due to compression or direct injury to a single nerve. Carpal tunnel syndrome, caused by the compression of the median nerve is an example of mononeuropathy. On the other hand, the influence of polyneuropathy is far more extensive, as several nerves that supply unrelated body parts are affected at the same time.

Ayurveda considers neuropathy as a menace of vitiated vata. Vata, especially its prana variant, is the dosha that governs the nervous system and neurological impulses. External causes like abhighata (injury) may vitiate vata and interfere with nerve conduction. All nerve-related conditions can be collectively termed vata vyadhi in Ayurveda.

Signs and Symptoms

The clinical presentation of neuropathy varies according to the nerve/nerves affected. The extent and impact of neuropathy are determined by the severity of the cause and the type of nerve involved. Symptoms could be reflected in sensory actions, motor actions, and functions. Some common symptoms are-

  • Numbness of the affected area
  • Burning sensation and hypersensitivity in specific regions
  • Tremors
  • Loss of balance
  • Abnormal gait
  • Pain – usually of stabbing, throbbing, or burning type
  • Tingling sensation and itching (generally described as pins and needles sensation)
  • Lack of coordination
  • Muscle cramps
  • Fatigue

Most of the time, pain and tingling sensation is seen bilaterally, usually on the hands and the feet. Digestive distress, problems in bowel evacuation and micturition, impaired or excessive sweating, dizziness, etc can happen when autonomic nerves are affected.

Ayurveda Treatment

Vata dosha is in charge of nerve-related functions in the body. Vata, when unbalanced, can either go increased or decreased. Both the surge and drop of vata imply ill health and are reflected differently in the body. For example, tremors indicate vata aggravation while numbness declares a vata decline. Kampa (tremors), toda (pricking pain), chimichimayana (tingling), cramps, loss of balance, etc are caused by vata. In most cases, either pitta or kapha, or both, are involved. The symptoms like burning sensation and touch sensitivity scream the presence of pitta alongside vata while the ones like kandu (itching) and supti (numbness) warn us about the possible kapha involvement.

Our Approach

Apollo AyurVAID is a pristine institution that bears the virtue of Ayurveda. Our doctors, skilled and proficient in their field, are here to help you, by providing you with comfort and reassurance. In-depth assessment of the condition, precise diagnosis, thorough samprapti vighatana (breaking the disease pathway), properly planned prakriti-oriented treatment, quality procedures, safe and hygienic environment, etc are our peculiarities. We offer you complete care and cure for the conditions that ail you.

We are: –

  • First NABH-accredited hospital in India
  • The winner of the esteemed National Award for Best Ayurvedic Centre of the year 2017 from the Ministry of Commerce and Industry
  • Industry’s best customer satisfaction score of 92%, rated by our clients

Key Outcomes

Ayurveda focuses on reversing neuropathy and bringing back the neurons to their original structure. Neurons cannot regenerate, but their surrounding structures like myelin sheath sure can. Taming the vata is another focus area. Panchakarma procedures like vasti have access to the brain and neuronal networks. The Enteric Nervous System (ENS) is an intricate neural network of the gut that communicates with the brain. Therefore, vasti dravya that reaches the intestine will surely be making changes in the nerves. The same goes with vamana (emesis), and virechana (purgation). Nasya, another panchakarma procedure, has shown a direct influence on the brain. Murdha taila, a collective of 4 procedures done on the head namely siro abhyanga (oil application over the head), sira seka (pouring medicated liquid over the head), siro vasti (stagnating medicated liquid on the head), and siro pichu (placing an oil-smeared cotton pad on the head) is highly beneficial in neurodegenerative conditions. These therapies can stimulate nerve endings and increase neurotransmitter activities.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is diabetic neuropathy the same as peripheral neuropathy?
No. Diabetic neuropathy is a type of peripheral neuropathy caused by diabetes mellitus. Longstanding high glucose levels can damage nerve endings and impair neuronal conduction. Burning sensation, tingling feel, and cotton-wool walking are some symptoms caused by diabetic neuropathy.
2. Can peripheral neuropathy be completely cured?
Peripheral neuropathy cannot be completely reverted. Yet, Ayurveda can restore nerve health and conduction up to a great extent through therapies like panchakarma and murdha taila. The symptoms will be significantly reduced and will not interfere with the quality of life
3. What factors aggravate peripheral neuropathy?
Peripheral neuropathy is essentially a vatik disorder. Any factor that vitiates vata can worsen the condition. Cold climate, dried and fried foods, excess bodily activities like exercise and talkativeness, swimming, improper sleep, etc can aggravate vata. In the case of vata-depleted peripheral neuropathies, any one of the other two doshas will be dominated, and the factors that aggravate that specific dosha are to be avoided. If pitta-predominant, exposure to heat, hot climate, spicy foods, and heat-generating activities are to be avoided. In kapha predominant peripheral neuropathies, cold climate, oily, heavy, and unctuous foods, and high-sugar foods should be steered clear of.

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