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Asthma (correlated to Santamaka Swasa)

Due to inhalation of dust or smoke, seasonal, poor diet or Dhatu Kshaya (tissue depletion in a post-infectious state), the Vata dosha gets

vitiated, accumulating in Vaksha Pradesha (the chest region) through Pranavaha Srotas (respiratory tract). This, in turn, aggrevates the Kapha dosha thereby causing difficulty in breathing. This condition is called Santamaka Swasa – a type of Tamaka Swasa (bronchial asthma).

Sign & Symptoms

Sign & Symptoms for Asthma includes:
1. Labored Breathing
2. A feeling of tightness in the chest
3. Coughing
4. Difficulty inhaling and exhaling
5. Noisy breathing (“wheezing”)
6. Up-rolling of eyes
7. Sweating over face
8. Anxious look
9. Dryness of face
10. Feeling especially comfortable in warm conditions / worsening of the condition in cold environments

Ayurveda Treatment for Asthma

Vamana is the primary treatment for Santamaka Swasa (correlated to bronchial asthma), involving induced vomiting. While medications are necessary throughout the treatment process, just medicines are not enough. By using Vamana, our Physicians work to expel the accumulated waste (vitiated Kapha in the chest area) and to re-balance the doshas. Preparatory (Purvakarma) treatments for this condition typically include oil application therapies (both internal and external) and medicated steam. Accompanying internal medicines are also prescribed to increase the digestive fire (Deepana) and burn waste (Ama Pachana).

Our Approach

The AyurVAID protocol is based on the simple premise that the Physician must diagnose and treat only based on sufficient evidence. This evidence should be ‘patient or rogi based’ in addition to being ‘disease or roga based’ in accordance with the fundamental principles of Ayurveda.
How is this made possible?
  • A thorough and complete recording of the patient’s medical history, capturing every minute aspect of his/her lifestyle.
  • A thorough head-to-toe clinical examination, uncovering health risk factors that the patient is unaware of, directly connected or unrelated with his presenting medical complaint(s).
  • This process of detailed history recording and clinical examination- which includes the classical Srotha-Vikrti pariksha – leads to an accurate understanding of the Dosha status of the individual and lays the foundation for an accurate differential diagnosis and medical management.
  • Further, the patient is entitled to be clearly informed about the diagnosis arrived at, as also understand the medical management proposed for him. The Physician shall proceed only with the patient’s informed concurrence.

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