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Compressive Myelopathy

As kids, we consistently hear our grandparents complaining about aches all over the body, especially back aches and joint pains. This agony always restrained them from partaking in physical activities.

But over the years, with the change in lifestyles and beliefs, these struggles have not only aggravated but have become more common.

Though we address ourselves as the youth of the country, in terms of health we seldom stand tall in the threshold of attaining minimum standards of health. Cannot walk for more than 20 minutes straight, have back aches frequently, and suffer joint pains, these are some of the struggles we usually face.

Experiencing back aches?

Most of us have suffered mild and even severe forms of back pain. Now this could be due to a surfeit of reasons. But the number of patients suffering from various causes of back pains have increased in recent years.

Have you heard of compressive myelopathy?

Let us find out more about this.

Know more about Compressive Myelopathy

Myelopathy refers to a conglomeration of symptoms seen in patients with compression of the spinal cord. They comprise loss of sensation, pain, inconvenience while moving, and loss of balance.  Our spinal cord is extensively protected by the spine. Why? Obviously, it consists of nerves that carry messages to and fro the brain. Slight damage and the entire system breaks down.

But due to whatever reasons, if the spine gets injured there are chances the spinal cord to get compressed and then eventually cause compressive myelopathy.

As the spine has divisions, the myelopathy is also divided based on the part that gets compressed :

  • Cervical myelopathy
  • Thoracic myelopathy
  • Lumbar myelopathy

Causes of Compressive Myelopathy

Some factors can cause compression of the spinal cord :

  • Age – as age advances, there are chances of the patient to suffer from arthritis and also natural wear and tear of the spine. As a result of which the space within the column may get alleviated and cause compression.
  • Tumor – tumors may pose a factor for compression of the spinal cord.
  • Disc prolapse – the intervertebral disc may prolapse and compress the subsequent part of the spinal cord.
  • An injury or even infection can cause compression of the spinal cord.


Signs and Symptoms of Compressive Myelopathy

A patient with compressive myelopathy may present with the following symptoms :

  • Pain
  • Feeling of numbness
  • Loss of coordination
  • Loss of balance
  • Difficulty in movement
  • Loss of control of bladder and bowel motions
  • Difficulty in lifting objects
  • Strain

The symptoms may largely vary based on age, and the part of the spinal cord affected.

Ayurveda Treatment for Compressive Myelopathy

Ayurveda bases all its research work on the tri doshas namely vata, pitta, and kapha. For any disease, irrespective of the cause or the site, ayurveda tries to reason the doshas responsible for it.

Compressive myelopathy can occur due to the vitiation of majja(bone marrow) and asthi(bone) dhatu(tissue element). On a larger scale, it can be interpreted as a vatavyadhi. Vatavyadhi is a collective term used for diseases that occur due to the vitiation of vata dosha. Vata is the most important dosha among the tri doshas that gets vitiated first and then further vitiates pitta and kapha.

Therefore, in compressive myelopathy vata gets vitiated and accumulated in the spinal region and causes stiffness and pain in the subsequent region.

As it has been interpreted as a vatavyadhi, the treatment of vatavyadhi can be adopted for the treatment of compressive myelopathy.

  • Snehana(oleation)
  • Swedana (sudation)
  • Niruha vasti (enema)
  • Anuvasana vasti (enema with oil)
  • Traction
  • Abhyanga(massage)


Internal medicines that can be prescribed are :

  • Rasnaerandadi kashaya
  • Yogaraja Guggulu
  • Sahacharadi kashaya
  • Rasnasaptakam kashaya

The treatment and internal medications differ according to the condition of the patient and the site of compression.

Apollo AyurVAID Approach

Apollo AyurVaid has treated a surfeit of patients presenting a wide variety of symptoms. Having had the experience of not only treating these patients but also curing their suffering, Apollo AyurVaid has always proven its worth.

From diagnosing the condition to curating precisive methods of treatment, Apollo AyurVaid provides only the best facilities to all its patients. Considering all their needs and providing them with the best care is the motto of Apollo AyurVaid.

Apollo AyurVaid has been recognized for its quality of treatment by the entire county. Having achieved awards and appreciation, Apollo AyurVaid does not intend to deter but rather strive further to continue working for humanity.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the types of compressive myelopathy ?
As the spine has divisions, the myelopathy is also divided based on the part that gets compressed :

● Cervical myelopathy
● Thoracic myelopathy
● Lumbar myelopathy
What is the Ayurvedic interpretation of compressive myelopathy ?
Compressive myelopathy can occur due to the vitiation of majja(bone marrow) and asthi(bone) dhatu(tissue element). On a larger scale, it can be interpreted as a vatavyadhi.
What are the causes of compressive myelopathy ?
Some factors can cause compression of the spinal cord :

● Age - as age advances, there are chances of the patient to suffer from arthritis and also natural wear and tear of the spine. As a result of which the space within the column may get alleviated and cause compression.
● Tumor - tumors may pose a factor for compression of the spinal cord.
● Disc prolapse - the intervertebral disc may prolapse and compress the subsequent part of the spinal cord.
● An injury or even infection can cause compression of the spinal cord.
How does vata dosha cause myelopathy ?
In compressive myelopathy, vata gets vitiated and accumulated in the spinal region and causes stiffness and pain in the subsequent region.
What is the usual line of treatment for myelopathy ?
Usually, the factors that cause compression are removed. Therefore surgeries are performed to remove tumors or herniated discs. Corticosteroids can be given for internal medication.

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