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GB Syndrome Treatment in Ayurveda

Have you ever wondered what life would be like if we could not feel sensations in our bodies?

How would we react to the surroundings?

Would we react to tingles?

Would we be able to feel the cool breeze of the sand or even the warm weather on a hot sunny day?

The answer to all the above questions is ‘No’.

In medical terms, it is our nervous system that aids us in experiencing feelings and sensations. So when our nervous system undergoes an aberration it curtails us from feeling sensations.

A surfeit of disease occurs due to damage to the nervous system. One of them is the Guillain Barre Syndrome or in simpler words, GB syndrome.

Know more about GB syndrome

Guillain-Barre Syndrome is a swift-onset of the weakness of muscle caused due to the immune system affecting the peripheral nervous system.

It is distinguished by ascending paralysis.

A feature that is noticed here is that the muscle weakness begins from the lower limbs that then travels upwards.

There are chances of hazards occurring in the future that are left untreated.


Are there any types of GB syndrome?

Yes, there are a few varieties of GB syndrome. They are as follows :

  1. Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy
  2. Acute motor axonal neuropathy
  3. Acute motor and sensory axonal neuropathy
  4. Acute panautonomic neuropathy
  5. Miller-Fisher syndrome
  6. Bickerstaff’s brainstem encephalitis

Signs and Symptoms of GB syndrome

The following presentations can be seen in the case of a patient affected with GB syndrome.

  • The initial presentations of GB syndrome include numb sensations, tingles, along with pain. This is associated with the lethargy of the arms and legs that affects the entire body.
  • Tingles over toes and finger
  • Arduously walking with balance
  • Difficulty in the motions of your eyes or face.
  • lower back ache
  • Hard breathing
  • Loss of control of the bladder
  • Paralysis

Diagnosis & Lab Investigation

A specific treatment or therapy cannot cure GB syndrome. Instead, treatments to alleviate symptoms, avoid complications and fasten recovery can be applied.

Physiotheapy, intravenous immunoglobulin, and the exchange of plasma are some of the treatments that are conventionally practiced.

Ayurvedic Treatment for GB syndrome

Ayurveda has a wide variety of interpretations for a multitude of diseases. Ayurveda believes in the notion that treating the exact cause of the disease is far superior to naming the disease.

Therefore, the disorders we find today might not have an exact ayurveda correlation but have solutions to cure them.

GB syndrome does not have an exact correlation in Ayurveda, but while matching the presentations it may be interpreted as sarvanga vata (vitiated vata affecting the entire body), kaphavrita vyana and kaphavrita prana ( vyana and prana are types of vata which get obstructed in the body due to kapha dosha).


GB Syndrome treatment in ayurveda

The main vitiated dosha here is vata, which is the pivotal dosha among the tridoshas. It is the vata dosha that further vitiates pitta and kapha. Therefore it is essential to pacify vata dosha. For that, the below-mentioned protocols can be adopted :

  • Snehana ( oleation)
  • Swedana (sudation)
  • Mild eliminatory procedures
  • Food predominant of sweet, pungent, and salty taste
  • Body massage
  • Pouring of herbal medicine all over the body etc

These are some of the methods that can be applied in treating GB syndrome. But it can vary according to the condition of the patient and the disease.

Apollo AyurVAID Approach

Having treated a surfeit of patients suffering from multiple disorders, Apollo AyurVAID has showcased its efficacy in each and every way possible.

Apollo AyurVAID has achieved numerous awards and accomplishments but it only aspires to thrive ahead.

Each speck of detail, beginning from the diagnostic procedure to charting out the entire treatment protocol and providing the best ambiance for their patients. This is what Apollo AyurVAID has been doing for years and marches on forward to do so.

Attending to each of their patients with the same concern, kindness, and dedication is a hallmark asset of the physicians in Apollo AyurVAID.

Opting for an integrative approach to treatment is one of their peculiar features and has shown exemplary results with remarkable recovery rates.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is GB syndrome ?
Guillain-Barre Syndrome is a swift-onset of the weakness of muscle caused due to the immune system affecting the peripheral nervous system.
What are the types of GB syndrome ?
1. Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy
2. Acute motor axonal neuropathy
3. Acute motor and sensory axonal neuropathy
4. Acute panautonomic neuropathy
5. Miller-Fisher syndrome
6. Bickerstaff's brainstem encephalitis
How has Ayurveda interpreted GB Syndrome ?
GB syndrome does not have an exact correlation in Ayurveda, but while matching the presentations it may be interpreted as sarvanga vata( vitiated vata affecting the entire body), kaphavrita vyana and kaphavrita prana ( vyana and prana are types of vata which get obstructed in the body due to kapha dosha).
What are the conventional methods of treating GB syndrome ?
Physiotherapy, plasmapheresis, and intravenous immunoglobulin are some of the treatments that are conventionally practiced.
Mention the Ayurveda treatment for GB syndrome
The main vitiated dosha here is vata, which is the pivotal dosha among the tridoshas. It is the vata dosha that further vitiates pitta and kapha. Therefore it is essential to pacify vata dosha. For that, the below-mentioned protocols can be adopted :

● Snehana ( oleation)
● Swedana (sudation)
● Mild eliminatory procedures
● Food of sweet, pungent, salty taste
● Food that is hot and healthy
● Body massage
● Pouring of herbal medicine all over the body etc

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