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Golfer's Elbow

Do you play sports?

Are you an athlete?

Do you tend to experience pain and inconvenience while playing certain sports?

In modern times, people have begun caring for their bodies. All of us are trying to eat healthily, do exercises, and abstain from things that can possibly affect our health.

One such practice that we have all weaned ourselves to is exercise. We go to the gym, play certain sports or even do yoga. As we know every action we perform will have an inevitable reaction. Therefore we may experience pain, tenderness, and stiffness.

One such condition is the Golfer’s elbow.

Know more about Golfer's Elbow

Your elbow has two sides with a slight bony protrusion on each side. One is the medial epicondyle and the other is the lateral epicondyle. In simple words, they mean the inner side and outer side of the elbow respectively, where the forearm meets the arm.

Golfer’s elbow is the condition in which the patient undergoes sensations like pain, stiffness, and tenderness on the inner side of the elbow.

Causes of Golfer's Elbow

The Golfer’s elbow occurs due to mutilation of the tendons of the wrist as well the fingers. So how can this occur?

  • Playing excessive sports like tennis and basketball using improper techniques
  • Overly performing actions that further aggravate the condition
  • Lifting heavy weights
  • Too many hours in the gym doing exercises of the muscles of fingers and wrist

These are some of the reasons that can pose factors causing the Golfer’s elbow. A plethora of other reasons can be cited that largely depend upon the patient and their lifestyle.

Signs and Symptoms of Golfer's Elbow

The pain might initiate in a sudden way or gradual manner. Regardless, there is nothing that hours of proper rest and care cannot treat.

  • The cardinal feature of Golfer’s elbow is the pain and tenderness in the medial (inner) aspect of the elbow that prevents the patient from performing normal day-to-day activities
  • The patient also feels frailty on the inner side of the elbow and therefore abstaining the patient from lifting heavy objects
  • The inner side of the elbow might become stiff.
  • As the wrist and finger muscles and tendons are affected, sensations like numbness and a tingle radiate toward them

The above are some of the symptoms that a patient might present while enduring the Golfer’s elbow.

Ayurveda Treatment for Golfer's Elbow

Vata vyadhi is considered a maha vyadhi. The reason behind this is, the diseases caused due to vata dosha are often difficult to treat.

Being difficult to treat does not mean it is untreatable. The Ayurveda protocols that can be adopted are :

  • Snehana (oleation)
  • Swedana (sudation)
  • Mild massage
  • Lepana (application of medicated paste)
  • Agnikarma(cauterization)

Some of the formulations that can be used for internal administration are :

  • Gandha taila
  • Rasna erandadi kashayam
  • Maharasnadi kashayam
  • Dashamoolarishta

Many more formulations can be prescribed depending on the nature of the disease and the patient.

Apollo AyurVAID Approach

Ayurveda is all about the tridoshas, namely vata, pitta, and kapha. Therefore any condition one takes, an ardent Ayurveda follower will invariably try to infer the dosha responsible for manifesting it.

Do you know about vata vyadhi?

Among the tridosha, vata is considered to be the most important dosha. It is the vata dosha that gets vitiated initially which then further vitiates the other two dosha. Vata vyadhi comprises a surfeit of diseases caused due to the vitiation of vata dosha. The diseases that affect the joints, bones, and muscles are usually due to vata dosha. Therefore, it is safe to say that Golfer’s elbow can be considered a vata vyadhi.

The elbow in Sanskrit is called kurpara and the joint is called sandhi. Therefore Golfer’s elbow can be correlated to abhighta (injury) to kurpara sandhi.

Can this be treated according to the Ayurveda treatment protocols?

Apollo AyurVaid has had a remarkable history of treating lakhs of patients. Irrespective of the condition, nature of the patient, and prognosis, Apollo AyurVaid has always produced exemplary results.

With a lifetime’s worth of achievements, Apollo AyurVaid only intends to enhance its quality of care and treatment and amplify the health of its patients.

Even in cases of vata vyadhi, Apollo AyurVaid diagnoses the condition in detail and then charts out the appropriate integrative management protocol for the patient. Treating without manifesting any form of complication is a motto followed by the team of Apollo AyurVaid.

Apollo AyurVaid is unquestionably the solution to all your problems and inconveniences. The only thing that one loses from Apollo AyurVaid is a disease and gain not only health but also a content heart.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is Golfer's elbow explained in Ayurveda?
In Ayurveda, the tendon is called snayu, and the elbow joint is called kurpara sandhi. As the Golfer's elbow occurs due to injury to the tendon of the wrist and fingers, it comes under snayu abhighata (injury) of kurpara sandhi. It widely comes under vata vyadhi.
Which side of the elbow experiences pain in Golfer's elbow?
The medial side (inner side) of the elbow is affected in Golfer's elbow.
Do excessive movements of the wrist worsen Golfer's elbow? a responsible for katigraha?
As Golfer's elbow occurs due to injury of tendons and muscles of the wrist and fingers, therefore excessive movements of the same can aggravate the condition.
What is the other name for Golfer's elbow?
Medial epicondylitis is also called Golfer's elbow
What are the symptoms of Golfer's elbow?
The symptoms are :

● Pain and tenderness
● Sensations like numbness and tingles
● Frailty
● Stiffness

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