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Have you been experiencing constant swelling and pain in your muscles without any apparent reason?

Know more about Myositis

Myositis is a disorder where the patient has an inflammatory muscle disease. It is an autoimmune disorder that can also be brought on by an accident, an infection, or a side effect of medication.

The most typical myositis symptoms are weakness, edema, and discomfort. In myositis, your immune system attacks your muscles. You may find it difficult to move or use the muscles that are affected by your myositis, depending on the type you have.

Sign & Symptoms of Myositis

Common symptoms:

The hip and shoulder muscles gradually weaken along with pain, which is the most typical sign. Other body regions’ muscles may become implicated, causing a variety of symptoms, including bloating, breathlessness, constipation, chest compression, finger discoloration and tightening.

Typical general signs include:

  • Anorexia
  • Arthralgia
  • Loss of weight
  • Low-grade fever


Myositis types

Myositis is mainly classified into 5 types:

  1. Polymyositis
  2. Dermatomyositis
  3. Inclusion body myositis
  4. Juvenile myositis
  5. Toxic myositis



Muscle wasting starts in the muscles closest to the body’s trunk and spreads from there with polymyositis (PM). Every case of PM is different, and autoimmune disorders are frequently discovered in patients with PM.



Due to the heliotrope-shaped purple-red rashes, dermatomyositis (DM) is the most straightforward type of myositis to identify. The face, chest, neck, and back are among the areas where the rash appears. Additionally, it can form over joints including the toes, knees, elbows, and knuckles. Typically, muscle weakness follows.


Inclusion body myositis:

Weakness in the muscles in the thigh, forearm, and below the knee is a symptom of inclusion body myositis (IBM). Dysphagia, or difficulties swallowing, may also result from it.


Juvenile myositis:

JM, or juvenile myositis, affects children under the age of 18. JM is twice as likely to occur in girls as it is in boys. JM shares the same characteristics as the other types of myositis in that it causes muscle weakness and skin rashes.


Toxic myositis:

It is hypothesised that various over-the-counter medicines and illegal narcotics can cause toxic myositis. Statins, a class of pharmaceuticals used to decrease cholesterol, may be among those that cause this illness the most frequently. Other drugs and substances that may cause myositis include specific immunosuppressants, cocaine etc.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Myositis

According to Ayurveda, myositis, or “Mamsagata Vata,” is brought on by an imbalance in the Vata Dosha. Due to various etiologies, vatadosha aggravates and later fills the mamsa vaha srotas and produces pain in the mamsa.

Myositis is treated with Ayurveda by altering nutrition, altering one’s way of living, and using herbal treatments to balance the doshas. A diet that reduces vata is crucial in this regard. Myositis symptoms can be lessened by avoiding stimulants like caffeine, alcohol, processed foods, and others. Eating whole grains, cooked veggies, and protein, can also be beneficial.

Ayurvedic medicine holds that Myositis can be healed if it is detected early, say within a year of the disease’s early onset. With three years of chronicity, it is challenging to treat. Ayurveda offers a variety of treatment choices to choose from that are tailored to the patient because it is holistic, personalised, precise, and preventive medicine.

Myositis is treated with Shodhana (purification) and Shamana (curative) chikitsa in Ayurveda. This intricately incorporates Virechana, Niruhabasti, and Shamana therapies. Ashwagandha, Bala, Guggulu, and other herbs with anti-inflammatory characteristics are utilised during the entire course of treatment to aid in muscle strength recovery. The person is also recommended to follow a healthy diet and exercise routine that promotes fast recovery and muscle regrowth. This course of therapy aids in the holistic total reversal of myositis.

Apollo AyurVAID Approach

Myositis therapy regimens developed by Apollo AyurVAID are evidence-based, and precision Ayurveda-based. Our doctors evaluate each patient’s primary symptoms and health concerns in-depth, adhering to the core principles of Ayurveda, to identify the underlying causes related to diet, individual constitution, lifestyle, job pattern, and hereditary predisposition.

We determine the best Ayurvedic Myositis treatment plan based on the assessment by taking into account the level of illness development, risk factors, your constitution (prakriti), and the disease prognosis. This is known as Samprapti Vikhatan or breaking the etiopathogenesis. This plan of action fills the gap between the patient’s unique characteristics and the accepted treatment protocols, making the therapy efficient and secure.

You can reclaim your happiest and most restorative state of being with the assistance of our entire person-centric approach. To help you manage myositis better, our rehabilitation professionals will also provide you with tips on ergonomics, nutrition, and lifestyle modifications.

Key Outcomes

Since Ayurveda and modern medicine complement eachother so well, it is useful for daily use.

You can expect the following while commencing our Myositis treatment:

  • Considerable reduction in muscle pain
  • Improved muscle strength
  • dependency on biologics, corticosteroids, and NSAIDs is diminished or completely removed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can myositis be successfully cured by Ayurvedic treatment ?
According to Ayurvedic medicine, Myositis can be successfully cured by ayurveda if it is discovered within a year of the illness's early onset. It is difficult to treat when it has been chronic for three years.
Will Myositis resolve on its own ?
Myositis can occasionally be a transient issue that resolves itself within a few days or weeks. Other times, it is a component of a chronic (long-term) illness. Muscle atrophy (wasting and shrinking) and severe impairment can result from chronic myositis.
Will myositis reduce lifespan ?
Life expectancy for people with sporadic inclusion body myositis (sIBM) is typically the same as for people without the condition, although it is a progressive illness. In actuality, problems connected with IBM—which are frequently avoidable—are what typically cause individuals to pass away rather than the disease itself. The lifespan of a person is not shortened by the inclusion body myositis. The life expectancy is the same as for individuals who are healthy.
Is myositis in need of urgent treatment ?
Myositis is a dangerous condition that, in most cases, requires urgent treatment. Myositis can result in substantial disability and even death if it is not treated properly or at all.

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