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Osteo arthritis Hip Treatment

Do you feel it challenging to perform daily tasks like getting up from bed early in the morning, bending over to tie your shoelace or going for a quick walk?

Do you feel like the pain is getting worse day by day?

Osteoarthritis gradually worsens over time so the sooner you get treatment, the better your chances are of reducing its impact on your life.

Know more about Osteoarthritis of Hip

Also known as wear and tear arthritis or degenerative joint disease, osteoarthritis affects many as they age.

Osteoarthritis hip is the most common form of osteoarthritis that causes gradual damage to your joints. Hip Osteoarthritis originates from the degradation of joint cartilage of the hip and underlying bone, and it happens when the protective cartilage on the ends of your hipbones wears down over time.

Osteoarthritis can alter the mechanics of the hip, putting extra strain and friction on the tendons, ligaments, and bursa. Hip osteoarthritis may have the unpleasant side effect of inflaming or injuring these tissues.

Osteoarthritis typically develops after the age of 45 and affects women more frequently than men. According to research, developing hip osteoarthritis is more likely to occur in people who have been injured, work that requires heavy lifting or prolonged standing, or has professions that involve these factors. When hip osteoarthritis does develop, it can cause significant hip pain and discomfort. Therefore, it’s essential to explore hip pain treatments to alleviate symptoms and improve the quality of life for people affected by this condition.

Signs and Symptoms of Osteoarthritis of Hip

The symptoms of Hip OA begin gradually and worsens over time. The main symptoms include:

  • Pain in the groin area or thigh
  • Crepitus in the hip joint (crackling sound when moving the affected joints)
  • Stiffness of the hip joint.
  • Decrease in the range of movement of the hip joint
  • Inactivity for long periods worsens the pain
  • Increased joint pain


Osteoarthritis symptoms might vary widely in severity from person to person.

Some people’s symptoms may be minor and sporadic. Other individuals may deal with more severe issues that persist over time and make it challenging to carry out daily tasks.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Osteoarthritis Hip

All tissues may be directly or indirectly depleted in Sandhigata Vata, which may worsen the body’s immune and structural integrity.

Shula (pain), atopa (crepitus, loose bodies), and shotha are examples of Sandhigata Vata signs and symptoms (vyakta) that appear after the vata has significantly damaged the bones and joints.

Even in this state, if the illness is not treated, several consequences (bheda) such as immobility, deformity, crippling, etc. develop.

The management of this disease by allopathic treatment has its limitations. Such conditions can be better treated by management and procedures mentioned in Ayurvedic classics.

According to Ayurveda, the main osteo arthritis hip treatment principle for treating sandhigata vata is to decrease Vata dosha and promote shleshaka kapha so that the joint spaces are sufficiently lubricated for the joints to move freely. For this, numerous treatments, including snehana, swedana, Mridu Samshodhana, basti and various diets and lifestyles for pacifying vata.

When the problem is very chronic or severe, osteoarthritis hip treatment can considerably minimize its incapacitating effects and help prevent it from worsening.

When osteoarthritis is mild or moderate in intensity, ayurvedic treatment for hip joint pain can assist in stopping the progression of the disease and put the patient into remission. Ayurveda has a solution to many such cases.

On starting our osteoarthritis hip treatment, you can anticipate:

  • Significantly reduced joint pain
  • Enhanced joint mobility
  • Less or no dependence on NSAIDs, Corticosteroids, and biologics.


Through individualised medicinal care programmes, we have also frequently been able to postpone or eliminate the need for surgical operations in patients with osteoarthritis of the hip.

Apollo AyurVAID Approach

Our doctors evaluate each patient’s primary symptoms and health concerns in-depth, adhering to the core principles of Ayurveda, to identify the root causes associated with your nutrition, unique constitution, lifestyle, job routine, and genetic predisposition.

The Ayurveda-based procedures for treating Hip Osteoarthritis developed by Apollo AyurVAID are evidence-based and multi-award winning.

Taking into account the degree of illness progression, risk factors, your unique constitution (Prakriti), and the disease prognosis, we arrive at the best ayurvedic osteo arthritis hip treatment based on the assessment.

This strategy bridges the gap between the patient’s unique characteristics and typical treatment protocols, making therapy both successful and safe.

Frequently Asked Questions

Medical Case Studies

What distinguishes Hip OA from other types of arthritis ?
Unlike rheumatoid arthritis which typically occurs in both hips at the same time, hip osteoarthritis may occur in only one hip.
Am I at risk of developing Hip OA ?
According to experts, a person's lifetime risk of acquiring hip arthritis is 25%. Risk factors include:

● Gender- Postmenopausal women are more at risk of developing hip osteoarthritis than men
● Age-related Your hip joint's cartilage is more likely to have worn out the older you are.
● Obesity -Hips are subjected to greater tension if one is obese or overweight.
● overuse- The risk of developing osteoarthritis is higher in occupations and activities that demand physically demanding repetitive actions on the hip.
● Genetics -Hip arthritis caused by specific autoimmune diseases may run in families.
● Structural abnormalities -Hip dysplasia and impingement, two conditions that result in abnormally formed hip bones, can put inappropriate stress on the cartilage.
● Injury -Arthritis can develop years after a severe injury, including a hip fracture or labral tears.
How do I know if I have osteoarthritis ?
To assess if you have hip arthritis, your doctor may use one or more of the following diagnostic techniques:

● Medical history and physical examination
● On an x-ray, there are two key indications of hip osteoarthritis: Deterioration of the articular cartilage that protects the ball and socket surfaces of the hip, the presence of osteophytes or bone spurs.
● MRI and Ultrasound imaging -Doctors can diagnose mild forms of osteoarthritis or locate soft tissue issues in the hip joint with the aid of MRI and ultrasound imaging. It also helps eliminate other possible sources of symptoms like a bone spur
● You can extract and evaluate the inflammation levels in your blood and joint fluids to help identify the type of arthritis you have.
How long will the therapy last ?
There is no set amount of time for treatment that can be predicted because it varies on the severity of the illness, the patient's age, genetic predisposition, and inherent constitution. However, the typical duration of Ayurvedic osteoarthritis treatment is two to three weeks.
Can Ayurveda help me avoid hip replacement surgery ?
Without a doubt, yes. Most individuals who have been advised to have complete hip replacement surgery due to severe osteoarthritis can avoid it thanks to the panchakarma treatments and herbal medications used in Ayurvedic cervical hip pain treatment. All those undergoing therapy will unquestionably have better lives.
Is it possible to cure hip osteoarthritis ?
No, Osteoarthritis is a chronic disease that cannot be cured. However, with Ayurveda, we can effectively stop their progress and improve the condition.
Since they are manufactured from effective and natural herbs that address the underlying cause of arthritis, ayurvedic medicines can treat them. It balances the vata doshas while removing ama doshas from the body. In addition to herbs, there are many more therapies that can be used to treat osteoarthritis. Ayurveda can aid with chronic conditions to enhance the general quality of life and facilitate better mobility.

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