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The ringing or buzzing kind of noises that are heard in one or both of your ears which are not induced due to the external sound is known as Tinnitus. It is also known as Ringing ears in medical science. Studies claim that this is a very ordinary condition among adults, and it affects about 15% to 20% of the adult population.

Subjective tinnitus, Objective tinnitus, and Pulsatile tinnitus are the various types of tinnitus spoken of. Subjective tinnitus is the everyday type found where the person himself can only hear the noise. Regardless of how loud the noise is, it cannot be detected by a second person. A minor common form of tinnitus is objective tinnitus. Here, the causality of the noise can be mechanical structures related to the ear like high blood pressure or muscle contractions. These noises are discernible using a sensitive microphone or stethoscope. Pulsatile tinnitus is the condition where the noise seems to have a rhythmic beat harmonized with your heartbeat. It can have some rushing or roaring qualities and can be provoked by vascular tumors or blood vessel disorders.

This condition can have etiological factors that aren’t due to any underlying disease. Whiplash, Head injuries, ear wax, loud sounds, or even side effects of certain medications can lead to this disorder. The constraint can be even worse when the background noise is feeble or low, especially at night. Prolonged exposure to loud sounds is referred to as one of the familiar rationales for this condition. This noise can cause enduring damage to the sound-sensitive cells of the cochlea and thus hearing loss is generated.

The feeling of hearing, ringing, clicking, or buzzing kind of unnatural sound in the ear is referred to as Tinnitus. Ayurveda recognizes this ear disease as Karnanada or Karnakshweda. It is felt as a nuisance rather than suffering. According to Ayurveda, Vata aggravation is the major dosha that ushers in Tinnitus. The vitiated Vata dosha passes into assorted pathways of the ear and produces different sounds or frequencies inside one’s ear. Excess bathing using cold water, intake of Vata vitiating food and habits, stress and strain, lack of sleep, debility and exhaustion, constant headache, and improper Nasya therapy can act as the etiological factors.

Since Vata dosha is the controlling factor here and this constraint arises due to the vitiation of the Vata imbalance in the body, the pacification of Vata is indicated. The Vata dosha should be brought back to its composure. Medications like Ghrita pana, Rasayana, Snehana, and the administration of shamana aushadas can be useful to ameliorate this ailment. Kavala and Gandoosha i.e Oil pulling and retention in the oral cavity daily can act as a prudent method to avoid the prognosis of this condition. Ayurvedic formulations like Shadbindu taila, Anu taila, Ashwagandharishta, Balaraishta, etc can be administered during this condition.

Signs and Symptoms

  • Buzzing sound
  • Hissing sound
  • Swishing sound
  • Feeling bizarre frequency sounds
  • Roaring
  • Clicking
  • Humming kind of sounds are heard

The clangor that occurs due to tinnitus may vary from a meager roar to a lofty squeal and the person may hear it in either one ear or both ears.  In some cases, the frequency and nuisance caused by this condition can be so agitating and loud that it can interfere with the person’s ability to focus to hear the external sound or chaos.

Our Approach

Apollo AyurVAID has pioneered evidence-based, award-winning precision Ayurveda-based protocols for Tinnitus treatment. Following the fundamental principles of Ayurveda, our physicians perform an in-depth assessment of the key symptoms and health factors of each patient to diagnose the root causes around your diet, individual constitution, lifestyle, work pattern, and genetic predisposition.

Based on the assessment, we arrive at the optimal Ayurveda Tinnitus treatment protocol for Samprapti Vikhatan or breaking the etiopathogenesis, considering the extent of disease progression, risk factors, your constitution (prakriti), and the disease prognosis. This approach bridges the gap between the patient’s individualistic factors and the standard treatment protocols thereby making the therapy effective and safe.

Our whole person-centric approach will help you regain your happiest and healthiest state of life. Our rehabilitation specialists will also give you advice on ergonomics, nutrition, and lifestyle changes to help you better manage Tinnitus.

Patient centricity is at the core of the Apollo AyurVAID approach, and we have been widely recognized for our breakthrough approach. Some of them include:

  • The first NABH-accredited hospital in India.
  • Quality council of India.
  • Winner of the prestigious National Award for Best Ayurveda Centre of the year 2017 from the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India.
  • Industry’s best customer satisfaction score of 92%, rated by our patients.

Key Outcome

This ringing in the ears can be treated with some distracting sounds like a fan, low-volume radio static, or even using soft music. This makes the condition more bearable and relaxation, biofeedback, and certain exercises can also diminish the influence of the condition. Using electronic devices like WHITE NOISE MACHINES that can conceal the noise is medically advised. These gadgets produce sounds that are analogous to static or environmental sounds like ocean waves and falling rain which often act as an effective treatment.

  • Improved tolerance to the noise
  • Distraction from the buzzing or hissing sounds
  • The frequency and impact of the noises are reduced

Frequently Asked Questions

Can tinnitus be wholly cured?
Tinnitus is not completely an illness. Rather, it can often occur as a symptom of some other medical conditions. Hence, this condition can be governed by certain exercises, distractions, and treatments using electronic sound devices.
What happens if tinnitus is not treated?
Tinnitus is the condition where buzzing or hissing kind of noises are heard inside the ear that cannot be caught by some external factor in major cases. If it is not diagnosed or regaled, it can lead to severe hearing issues and even cause hearing loss perpetually.
Can tinnitus occur in children?
Tinnitus is not uncommon in children. In most cases, children are incapable of expressing what they are hearing, and hence it is not diagnosed properly.
Can tinnitus occur only in one ear?
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This ringing ear condition has noises and sounds from a low frequency to a high squeal and hence, the person may encounter it in one ear or both ears according to the stringency of the ailment.

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