
Pouring the liquid medicines in stream over the head of the patient (or healthy person) for a stipulated amount of time.
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Image of Shirodhara

Shirodhara is a popular therapeutic procedure in Ayurveda, which involves pouring medicated liquids on the forehead to induce a relaxed state of awareness and a dynamic psycho-somatic balance.

This purifying and rejuvenating therapy is designed to eliminate toxins, mental exhaustion, stress, and any ill effects on the central nervous system.

 It is a subtype of Murdha taila, which involves keeping the medicated oil on the head region. Shirodhara is mainly used for insomnia, stress, anxiety, depression, hair loss, fatigue, and functional and organic disorders. It has neuro-immuno-physio-psychological effects on the human body and has been evaluated in numerous studies.

The traditional Ayurvedic therapy restores balance to the mind, body, and spirit through a gentle stream of warm herbal oil, medicated milk, or other liquids poured onto the forehead. The treatment duration can vary depending on individual needs and the specific protocol the Ayurvedic doctor recommends. At Apollo AyurVAID, our trained Ayurvedic doctors and therapists ensure this traditional practice’s safe and effective application. Shirodhara is not only a physical treatment but also a holistic experience aiming to restore inner balance and well-being. It is often combined with other therapies, dietary recommendations, and lifestyle modifications to address health concerns and promote overall vitality and longevity.

Therapeutic Uses of Shirodhara

  • Anxiety and stress disorders
  • Insomnia
  • Chronic headaches and migraines
  • Hypertension
  • Depression
  • Hair and scalp disorders

Benefits of Shirodhara

  • Promotes relaxation and reduces stress
  • Improves sleep quality
  • Enhances mental clarity and concentration
  • Alleviates headaches and migraines
  • Nourishes hair and scalp
  • Balances the doshas in the body
  • Helps to rejuvenate and invigorate the entire body


Shirodhara is contra-indicated in:

  • Fever
  • Acute illness
  • Recent neck injury
  • Pregnancy 
  • Severe skin conditions on the scalp or forehead

Apollo AyurVAID’s Approach 

Apollo AyurVAID focuses on precision classical Ayurveda treatment protocols, following the fundamental principles of Ayurveda in addressing the root cause of diseases. At Apollo AyurVAID, Shirodhara is used in the treatment of various neurological and psychological conditions. It is not only a treatment but also a rejuvenating therapy for environmental factors such as stress, poor sleep, and exertion. Our expert Ayurveda doctors and skilled Panchakarma therapists are trained to treat any disorder that requires Shirodhara therapy. Patient centricity is the core of our treatment approach.

Why Choose Apollo AyurVAID Hospitals?

Shirodhara Treatment Cost

The cost of the Shirodhara Treatment Program at Apollo AyurVAID varies depending on several factors, including the city, the patient’s specific condition, and the type and duration of treatment. As a result, pricing is tailored to individual needs and requirements. Typically, Shirodhara treatment costs INR Rs. 1,900 to 2,300 per day. The cost comprises Shirodhara treatment, followed by Pashchat Karma. Actual costs may vary based on the treatment duration, type of Shirodhara oils, whether it’s outpatient or inpatient, and the specific medications prescribed.

Note: *It’s important to note that this cost does not cover doctor consultations or any medication.*

City Price Range
Shirodhara Cost in Bangalore

 ₹1900 - ₹2300

Shirodhara Cost in Delhi 

 ₹2500 - ₹3000

Shirodhara Cost in  Gurugram 

 ₹2500 - ₹3000

Shirodhara Cost in Chennai 

₹1900 - ₹2300

Shirodhara Cost in Kalmatia 

₹1900 - ₹2300

Shirodhara Cost in Kochi 

1900 - ₹2300

FAQ on Shirodhara Treatment

Is Shirodhara suitable for everyone?
While Shirodhara is generally safe for most people, it's essential to consult with a qualified Ayurvedic doctor, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions or concerns. They can assess your health profile and determine whether Shirodhara is suitable for you. Pregnant women, individuals with certain medical conditions like epilepsy, and those with acute illnesses may need to avoid or modify Shirodhara.
How often can I undergo Shirodhara therapy?
The frequency of Shirodhara sessions depends on various factors, including your health goals, current health status, and the recommendations of your Ayurvedic practitioner. Typically, Shirodhara is administered as a series of treatments, often spaced a few days to a week apart. Your doctor will personalize the treatment plan based on your response to the therapy and your ongoing health needs.
What type of oil or any other liquid is used in Shirodhara?
The choice of liquid used in Shirodhara depends on several factors, including your constitution (dosha and prakriti), specific health concerns, and the therapeutic goals of the treatment. While herbal oils are commonly used for their nourishing and calming properties, other liquids such as medicated milk, or buttermilk may be selected based on your individual needs. Your doctor will select the most appropriate liquid and any additional herbs or ingredients to enhance the therapeutic effects.
Does Shirodhara have any side effects?
While Shirodhara is generally well-tolerated, some individuals may experience mild side effects such as temporary dizziness, lightheadedness, or nausea during or after the session. These effects are usually short-lived and tend to dissipate as the body adjusts to the treatment.
How long does a Shirodhara session last?
Shirodhara sessions typically last between 30 to 60 minutes, although the duration may vary depending on individual preferences and the specific protocol recommended by your practitioner. The length of the session allows ample time for the therapeutic effects of the treatment to unfold, promoting deep relaxation, stress reduction, and rejuvenation of the mind and body.

Other Precision Treatments

* Outcomes may vary from person to person

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