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A Holistic Wellbeing with Ayurveda

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We have all grown up listening to adages like “A Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body”, “The Body Achieves What the Mind Believes”, “Health is Wealth” and many more. But how many times have we ever taken a break from our routine to understand how well we are doing when it comes to being healthy, both physically and mentally? Most of us living in urban areas often grab a quick processed meal and work around the clock to fulfill our dreams and ambitions, forgetting the fuel we are feeding this engine called ‘body’. This being the case, we think about health only once our bodies start sending signals in the form of ‘illnesses’. Why not do our bit before the warning bells ring?

This is exactly what ‘Ayurveda’ does. “Ayur” meaning life and “Veda” meaning science, is not just a system of medicine but the ‘way of life’ we should all be practicing. This science acts as a guardian to wellbeing and longevity of life. Every individual on earth is a unique being with no traces just as same as the person beside us. Therefore, Ayurveda says that there is no ‘one’ specific diet or lifestyle designed for everybody. The key is to understand our own body and mind and its unique needs of diet, lifestyle, sleep and career choices. This in return would help one achieve a good state of physical, emotional and spiritual health.

“Insight, Intuition, Intelligence, Inner Peace, All Come from Within, Pay Attention Inward” – Anna Goldstein

Ayurveda helps one understand oneself, based on its principles of understanding ‘the 3 Doshas’. Doshas are the energies that make up every individual, which performs different physiological functions in the body.

  1. Vata Dosha

Vata meaning wind energy is one which controls bodily functions associated with motion which includes breathing, blood circulation, pulsation of the heart, blinking and cellular, tissue and muscular movements. An individual with the Dosha could suffer from fear and anxiety, while in balance, Vata, can lead to creativity, vitality, and flexibility.

  1. Pitta Dosha

Pitta meaning fire energy which controls the body’s metabolic system including digestion, absorption, nutrition and body temperature. An individual with the Dosha could suffer from ulcers and anger, while in balance, Pitta, can lead to contentment, intelligence, and the light of understanding.

  1. Kapha Dosha

Kapha meaning water energy controls the growth of the body and helps in moisturizing the skin, lubricating the joints, maintaining immunity and protecting the cells. An individual with the Dosha could suffer from insecurity and envy, while in balance, Kapha can lead to love, forgiveness, and compassion.

The state of complete health is obtained by maintaining a fine balance of Vata, Pitta and Kapha for a cheerful and optimistic mind and soul, and alertness. To understand Dosha’s by relating to the physical characteristics of a person, follow us, as we put together these points in our upcoming blog.

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