Frozen Food and Ayurveda

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In this modern world of fast-paced technology, the method of freezing helps to extend a food’s shelf-life. While this method is helping store food, Ayurveda stresses the importance of having fresh foods. Before having frozen food, blanching is done or called a pre-heating process, this activity though it destroys the bacteria present in the food, can destroy the various vitamins such as B and C present in the food. 

In Ayurveda, food is called ‘ahara’, the source and foundation of health that affects our Dosha. The food we eat affects our mind, our digestive system, and the five senses present in our body. These convenient meals do not provide the sufficient nutrients needed for your body and opinionates for other fresher and better alternatives. Frozen foods are considered ‘paryushita’ (lifeless) due to the loss of prana (life force).

Let’s look into why Ayurveda does not promote the consumption of frozen foods

Ayurveda and Yoga’s Perspective on Food

Loss of Prana: Frozen foods are considered as ‘paryushita’ (lifeless) due to the loss of prana (life force). Yogic philosophy also says that Happiness (Sukha) promoted by wholesome food (hitahara) is absent when consuming frozen food, and becomes the cause of unhappiness (Dukkha). 

Weak Digestive system: The beneficial enzymes present in the food diminish when frozen. Yogic sciences emphasize that fresh vegetables and fruits high in prana are sattvic, light, and easy on the digestive system. Frozen food leads to sluggish digestion, especially for those with Kapha (water) imbalance.

Ayurveda Alternatives for Frozen Food

Fresh Herbs and Spices: They support healthy digestion according to Ayurveda.

Fresh Fruits and Vegetables: Try to grow herbs in the comfort of your own home or source your herbs from local producers whenever possible as it has abundant prana and essential nutrients.

Lentil and Bean Sprouts: The great plant-based source rich in protein and fiber, helps with gut health.

Freshly Cooked Grains: Whole grains like rice, quinoa, and millet provide sustained energy and are easier to digest than frozen alternatives.

If the above-mentioned methods are not feasible, eliminating frozen foods might be a difficult task. Here are some of the other healthier choices that you can make. 

Many frozen meals are loaded with sodium and preservatives. Read the labels carefully and opt for frozen foods with lesser processing and added ingredients Steam or Saute the frozen vegetables to avoid the loss of nutrients. Focus on incorporating fresh, seasonal ingredients into your diet as much as possible.

According to Ayurveda, we are what we eat, and everything we eat influences our life, emotions, energy, and general wellness. By embracing fresh, seasonal food, one can nourish their body and help improve their overall well-being.

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