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Are you a woman in your late 40s going through physical and emotional changes and are unaware of what’s happening in your body? Well, here’s the answer!

Know more about Menopause

The menstrual cycle is almost regular in women during their reproductive age. It occurs every month in a gap of 28 days if the cycle is regular. The onset of menstruation is called menarche and it occurs around 12 years of age.

The end of menstruation is called menopause. The average age of menopause is 51, according to the United States. But the transition to menopause begins in the early 40s. A woman is said to attain menopause only when she is not having menstruation for approximately 12 consecutive months in the absence of any surgery or medical condition.

Menopause happens on its own, also it is a very normal part of ageing. The cycle has been continuously working since puberty and needs rest after a period. As the woman approaches menopause the ovaries produce very less estrogen. This decrease is the base of everything. As a result, the menstrual cycle becomes irregular and then stops. There can be a lot of physical and mental changes occurring to the body during this period. Menopause treatment can be sought to manage the symptoms and improve the overall well-being of women experiencing this transitional phase.


  1. Perimenopausal stage: This stage begins  8-10 years before menopause when ovaries gradually produce less estrogen. In the last two years, the decline in estrogen is evident and women began to experience menopausal symptoms.
  2. Menopause: It is the point where the menstrual cycle is completely absent. At this point, the ovaries stop producing estrogen and releasing the egg.
  3. Postmenopausal stage: This is the period after menopause. During this period the menopausal symptoms subside in the majority of people.

Signs and Symptoms of Menopause

  • Hot flashes(a sudden spread of heat throughout the body)
  • Night sweats or cold flashes
  • Difficulty in sleeping (insomnia)
  • Vaginal dryness resulting in discomfort during sex.
  • Emotional changes
  • Breast tenderness
  • Dryness of skin, eyes and mouth
  • Worsening of premenstrual symptoms(pms)
  • Irregular periods
  • Headache
  • Weight gain
  • Hair loss

Ayurvedic Treatment for Menopause

The Ayurvedic recommendations include:

  • Light, warm, well cooked, unctuous food.
  • Avoid dry, uncooked, fermented, unclean, heavy food.
  • Alcohol and caffeine should be completely avoided.
  • Regular exercise which is light and not too strenuous for the body should be practised.
  • A regular diet and exercise chart are very helpful to deal with menopause.

Panchakarma procedures are also done in patients according to the strength of the patient to remove the toxins from the body.

In Ayurveda menopause can be correlated to Rajonivritti. According to Ayurveda, the predominance of doshas varies according to age. From birth till puberty there will be the predominance of kapha dosa. From puberty till mid-life, there will be the predominance of Pitta dosa and after 50 there will be the dominance of Vata dosa. So we can say that during menopause the vata dosha is at its peak.

Ayurveda mainly believes in preventing disease rather than curing it. The symptoms of menopause are all manageable with the help of Ayurveda. The main aim is to pacify pitta dosa and stabilize the Agni and also to pacify vata dosa and remove ama.

Apollo AyurVAID Approach

Apollo AyurVAID uses a total person-oriented strategy for Samprapti Vighatan, or breaking the etiopathogenesis, to assist you to regain your happiest and healthiest condition of life after the exact source of your problem has been determined. Ayurveda states that disease not only occurs due to physical problems but also because the mind is involved. Since menopause is a peculiar condition occurring to all women during a certain age and as it includes the involvement of manas(mind) also, the treatment should be done to balance our emotional state as well.

Apollo AyurVAID provides non-communicable disease and chronic illness treatment solutions based on Ayurveda. Ayurveda’s system of root cause diagnosis and subsequent disease management, including menopause ayurvedic treatment, has no side effects. Apollo AyurVAID hospitals are unique in that they cater to persons with lifestyle disorders and provide long-term care. These hospitals also provide insurance to the needy.

Key Outcome

Following Ayurveda in a disciplined manner can bring down all your health issues to a minimum level and Google benefits:

  • Vaginal dryness will be reduced.
  • Improved sleep
  • The frequency and severity of hot flashes are reduced.
  • Relief from headache
  • Reduced night sweats.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can menopause be dealt with by natural remedies ?
To a certain level. Following a proper diet as well as exercise brings down menopausal symptoms. However, in the post-menopausal stage itself, there will be subsidence to many of the symptoms. Avoid all the diets and regimens that vitiate vata dosha.
When can I expect to experience menopause ?
Women in their early 40s enter into the perimenopausal stage and by their 50s menopause occurs. It can occur early as a result of cancer, surgical treatment and medications.
How can I prevent hot flashes ?
Avoid heavy, spicy food. Stay away from alcohol and caffeine. Follow regular exercise.
What can be done to prevent vaginal dryness ?
To make sexual intercourse more comfortable, try using plant-based vaginal lubrication such as coconut or olive oil. Drinking plenty of water is crucial. To help preserve vital moisture in your vagina, you can also consider using herbs in your diet such as shatavari, aloe vera, and liquorice (mulethi). Abhyanga or massage tailored to each dosha also combats dry vaginal skin.
Can hormone therapy (HT) aid in the treatment of menopausal symptoms ?
HT involves the hormones oestrogen and progestogen in females with uterus. Women who no longer have a uterus rely solely on oestrogen.

To improve safety, the majority of the oestrogen prescription is bioidentical estradiol delivered through the skin. HT can be extremely effective in alleviating moderate to severe menopausal symptoms and preventing hip fractures.

HT (Hormone Therapy) for menopause treatment, on the other hand, is not for everyone. A specialist will conduct an individual risk assessment and advise you on how to lower your risk of blood clots, heart attack, stroke, breast cancer, and gallbladder illness, all of which can be linked to HT.

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