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Disclaimer: The content on this page is about Infertility. We will shortly update the content on Infertility- Low AMH.


Infertility (correlated to Vandyam)
Ayurveda has a separate branch which deals with the treatment for various conditions which can lead to infertility – under the heading ‘Vajikarana Tantra’.

Even though sperm production or ovulation may be normal, there are some conditions where the implantation of the zygote does not take place.

Male infertility:

Ayurveda lays equal importance on treatment of male infertility, low libido, and erectile dysfunction – and has proven treatments (Vajikarana Chikitsa) for effective healthy progeny.

Female infertility:

Ayurveda has a special branch of care related to gynaecological disorders (Yoni Vyapad) as well as Prasuti Tantra (ante-natal, pre-natal, and post-natal healthcare) which explain the various causes, symptoms, and management of women’s health. According to Ayurveda, there are 4 main factors responsible for an effective conception:

1. Ritu (proper ovulation and healthy permeation)
2. Kshethram (pure and favorable uterine atmosphere)
3. Ambu (proper nourishment and blood circulation)
4. Beejam (healthy zygote)
Impairment in any one of the above factors can cause infertility.

Causes of Infertility

A. Physical factors:

1. Erectile dysfunction
2. Improper Sexual act
3. Alcoholism
4. Smoking
5. Use of drugs & steroids
6. Excessive use of two wheeler vehicles will increase the temperature of scrotum there by affect the sperm production
7. Use of skin fit dresses will also affect the temperature of scrotum
8. Excessive use of high caloric diet such as fast food having more spicy, pungent, sour and salt tastes will decrease the production of semen
9. Vitiated semen in the sense, decreased amount of sperm, decreased amount of semen, and absence of sperm or structural abnormalities if sperm causes infertility
10. Side effects of treatment of major diseases

B. Mental factor:

1. Increased stress
2. Not having interest in sexual contact
3. Early ejaculation

Diagnosis of Infertility

Deciding when to get treated for infertility depends on your age. Health care providers suggest that women under 30 try to get pregnant on their own for 1 year before getting tested. Women over 35 should try to get pregnant for 6 months. If it does not occur within that time, they should talk to their provider. Infertility testing involves a medical history and physical exam for both partners.

Blood and imaging tests are most often needed. In women, these may include:

1. Blood tests to check hormone levels, including progesterone and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
2. Home urine ovulation detection kits
3. Measurement of body temperature every morning to see if the ovaries are releasing eggs (ovulating)
4. FSH and clomid challenge test
5. Antimullerian hormone testing (AMH)
6. Hysterosalpingography (HSG) to look for blockages in the fallopian tubes
7. Pelvic ultrasound to check egg quality
8. Laparoscopy
9. Thyroid function tests

Tests in men may include:

1. Sperm testing
2. Exam of the testes and penis
3. Ultrasound of the male genitals (sometimes done)
4. Blood tests to check hormone levels
5. Testicular biopsy (rarely done)

Ayurveda Treatment for Infertility

The Apollo AyurVAID treatment programme comprises of:
1. Detoxification
2. Rejuvenation
3. Administration of Rasayanas and Vajikara Dravyas internally (virilificatory recipes or aphrodisiacs)
4. Yoga, pranayama and meditation – which not only helps in conception but also in producing healthy offspring

Our Approach

The Apollo AyurVAID protocol addresses a variety of aspects while addressing infertility. Before starting the treatment;
1. The unhealthy lifestyle is normalized
2. Daily regimen & the regimens to be followed before sexual intercourse is advised
3. Diet – from all aspects – are dealt with in detail, according to Ayurveda concept.
4. Counseling playing a major role in infertility management

First line of approach to shodhana (cleansing)
Before commencing rejuvenating medicine, oelation (snehana) and fomentation (swedana) is given. This is followed by emetic therapy (vamana), purgation therapy (virechana), and enema therapy (vasthi). Panchakarma therapy is very useful for cleansing the body and the entire system.


Shamana line of treatment
Here according to the condition specific medications are suggested.

Ex.1: In case of Asthenospermia (reduced sperm motility), Vata samaka medicine should be given because aggravated Vata afflicts the quality of shukram, as they become weak and non-motile.

Ex.2: In case of increased viscosity of semen, the treatment focuses on Kapha samana.

Rejuvenating and Vajeekarana treatment

After cleansing the body & correcting metabolism at reproductive systemic level, Vajeekarana begins with medicines mainly:
1. To improve production of semen, increase the quantity of semen, number of sperms, increase motility of sperm etc.
2. Correct erectile dysfunction.
3. To arrest premature ejaculation and early release of semen.
4. Purification of semen – In problems like disorders in liquefaction of semen high viscose semen, pyospermia, decreased motility of sperm and abnormal morphology of sperm etc.

Apollo AyurVAID’s Evidence Based Approach

The Apollo AyurVAID protocol is based on the simple premise that the Physician must diagnose and treat only based on sufficient evidence. This evidence should be ‘patient or rogi based’ in addition to being ‘disease or roga based’ in accordance with the fundamental principles of Ayurveda.
How is this made possible?
  • A thorough and complete recording of the patient’s medical history, capturing every minute aspect of his/her lifestyle.
  • A thorough head-to-toe clinical examination, uncovering health risk factors that the patient is unaware of, directly connected or unrelated with his presenting medical complaint(s).
  • This process of detailed history recording and clinical examination- which includes the classical Srotha-Vikrti pariksha – leads to an accurate understanding of the Dosha status of the individual and lays the foundation for an accurate differential diagnosis and medical management.
  • Further, the patient is entitled to be clearly informed about the diagnosis arrived at, as also understand the medical management proposed for him. The Physician shall proceed only with the patient’s informed concurrence.

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